Disclaimer: Unabashed mommy-blogging at its worst. Read at your own risk. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, and an uncontrollable urge to dig one's eyes out with soup spoons. Should you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue reading and consult your physician.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Nostril Update
I'm very sorry, Fia, for my spontaneous and inappropriate response to your plight, but it was so ridiculously funny I couldn't help myself. I hope you won't be forced to seek years of expensive and painful psycho-therapy in your mid-thirties for this. If you do, send the bill to your father, please.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Every mother longs for the day...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
E: What's the cat food for?
Me: The cats.
E: Right.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Daily Daisy
This evening after church we let Daisy out. She trudged about the perimeter of the yard and then disappeared behind some ornamental grasses growing in the far back corner. She didn't come out though so I went out to coax and cajole, I parted the grass and leaned over to discover her sitting before a round little hole in the mud, and the biscuit there in the hole. I'm not even kidding. The dog secreted her bone away to enjoy later. This is the stuff of story books. Dick and Jane, see Spot run! See Spot bury his bone!
She might be the cleverest dog ever.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Getting our bowl on
And Bubby alone made up our cheering squad...and did double duty as Official Snack Eater.
And for 'Favorite Photo of the Day', drum-roll please....
I'm ashamed to report that my score was lower than Miss S' and only slightly higher than Wonderboy's. Next time I may use the bumper bars. E, however, saved the day by breaking into triple digits. It's his excellent form and technique, I'm tellin ya.
And now for a Daisy Update...
Daisy is generally delightful and, well, Daisy-ish. She does, however, think she's the boss of the kids which means she either has another home (sans children) in store for her (sniff, sniff) or an expensive and experienced dog behaviorist in her future. For the record, E does not like her one bit.
Oh, and I've discovered she's really passionate about car rides. I know this because when you have to physically haul a saggy-baggy 50 lb lump out of the driver's seat a few times, you start to think maybe she likes car rides. That's all I'm sayin.
So, would anyone like to weigh in? Expensive behaviorist or a life bereft of Daisy? And I certainly don't want to sway anyone in their opinions, so I'll just be Switzerland and keep my thoughts to myself.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Behold! The Cupcake Courier