Once upon a time a boy was born. He was not a particularly pleasant little fellow, it would appear.
As time went on he got perkier. And cuter. Look! He's almost smiling.

Aw, come on. You know you went through a rough phase too. Those are some mighty big spectacles though. I enjoy the feathered hair. Do you think there is a large Goody comb in his back pocket?

Mmmhmmm. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. I don't even like football.
He's a world traveller. From Scandinavia to Africa, Mexico to Canada. Personal chef in residence. Handy-man in training. Gardener/landscaper (snort!), story-teller, whimper-soother, and soon to be proficient swimmer (just ask him!).

But best of all a devoted father, adored by three rugrats, and me too.

Happy Birthday, Love!

Aw, come on. You know you went through a rough phase too. Those are some mighty big spectacles though. I enjoy the feathered hair. Do you think there is a large Goody comb in his back pocket?

Mmmhmmm. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. I don't even like football.

But best of all a devoted father, adored by three rugrats, and me too.

Happy Birthday, Love!