Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wishing for...

and I would add a bike basket to it, and scoot around with kids piled in the back. Perfect.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Next, The Boston Marathon.

Wonderboy and I ran the Husky Hustle tonight. I know how completely impressive that sounds. But don't be intimidated by our achievement. We all can't be fleet of foot, right? Anyway, here we are with our official numbers, waiting for the call to the starting line.

And here we are coming in for our finish. (Okay, pretend finish. Because E was hanging out at the smoothie booth instead of watching for us at the finish. And so he requested a reenactment for a photo's sake so he wouldn't appear to have slipped in his support duties.) Just look at Wonderboy digging deep as he sprints to the finish line. He's fast, that one. And he was fast the first time we finished too.

Here's the fast guy with his medal:

I will TOTALLY run a mile if it means I can have a free massage when I finish.