I sent Wonderboy to time-out today, no warnings, just straight to time-out for shutting off the garage light when his sister was out there and then closing the door to effectively thrust her into outer darkness. It's a particular fear of hers, and he knew it. He shuffled straight to the bench without argument - because he knew he knew it. Are you with me?
Half way through his 8 minute time-out he asks if he's done yet. I say "No way buddy. Eight minutes. Just think, when you're 18 years old, you'll be sitting for 18 minutes. That's awesome."
He replies, "Man, I just wish you guys would rethink your policy on spanking."
Disclaimer: Unabashed mommy-blogging at its worst. Read at your own risk. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, and an uncontrollable urge to dig one's eyes out with soup spoons. Should you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue reading and consult your physician.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Beach Therapy
In a rare, and completely out of character, spontaneous moment, E and I decided late Friday night to rise early Saturday and load up the car with a bag (or five). It was beach or bust. We reached Lakeshore Drive, parked and like sherpas, carried 47 tons of beach gear and toys over the grassy knoll, when I think I may have heard a heavenly chorus. There before us stretched beach and endless water. And now, I think I'm regretting that we've lived here a year without considering spending a day like the one we've savored today. The trip cost us nothing but the gas and tolls to get us there, and yet I dare say it's hands down the kids' favorite Chicago activity thus far. They splashed and played, dug and built sandcastles, and looked for shells for a whole day, and were reluctant to leave. They were gloriously happy. And really, my own sadly tormented mind was unable to construct any reason to indulge my deep, dark secret fear of sharks in the water, so bonus! A beach where I can actually stick a toe in the water. Yes!
Aunt Julie J came to visit
There was just a little bit of enthusiasm as we looked forward to a visit from Julie last week. Of course as we arrived to pick her up at the airport, my children went mysteriously and instantaneously mute. It lasted about 12 seconds and then the din of deafening noise resumed as usual.
My boys courted Miss Julie quite aggressively. Uncle B may have cause for alarm. Wonderboy trailed her (into the bathroom a time or two I fear) obsessively, and peppered her with questions and detailed information about all his favorite Wii games. I mean, he was laying it on thick. I haven't seen his dimples so frequently in such a short period of time.
As for Bubs, when we made a visit to Shedd Aquarium, and were eating lunch overlooking the lakefront, the seagulls were too much to resist and he ran off in pursuit of them. Julie quickly caught up to him and he paused long enough to let her know "I is chasing birds. Ya want one?" That kind of generosity is rarely observed in my rough, tough number 3. I'm just saying.
And then there was Miss Fia, who was dazzled by Aunt Julie's flower-adorned attire for a family wedding, Aunt Julie's red satin stilettos, and well, by Aunt Julie. She wanted to sit next to Julie, play with Julie, and I think there may have been some interest in just crawling into Julie's pocket and remaining there, just to make things easier.
Speaking of Miss Fia, she took charge of the camera while at the aquarium. Following are some highlights from her debut as event photographer.
Thanks for visiting Julie. Come back soon and maybe bring Uncle B. Wonderboy will challenge him to a duel. At sundown. On the Wii.
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