Disclaimer: Unabashed mommy-blogging at its worst. Read at your own risk. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, and an uncontrollable urge to dig one's eyes out with soup spoons. Should you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue reading and consult your physician.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
It's my birt-day. And I like yours shess.
Yesterday at preschool, he was excited to donate his favorite book (Goodnight Moon) to the classroom to celebrate his birthday. I was invited to spend the afternoon with him in class, something I've been really looking forward to. He carefully took me by the hand and guided me to his classroom where he busied himself with backpack hanging, hand washing, snack stashing among other arrival rituals.
Throughout the afternoon, he took such care to be sure I understood where to go, when to sit, and what to play with. He was a fine example as he picked up after himself, cleaned up his snack and treated the other children with kindness and respect. I couldn't have been prouder of him, and in my pride I began to imagine how admired I must be by his teachers. What a model of maternal success I represented.
We sat down for circle time. Miss H reminded the children of their previous discussions about compliments...what constitutes a compliment and how to respond when complimented. It was sweet Sahasra's turn to receive compliments. She sat in front of the other children in her pink skirt and white, sequined top as the children offered up their compliments in turn. Mrs. S. recorded the compliments on a page to be saved and sent home with the student. One child liked her shoes, another admired her hair. Thank you, thank you, she replied with Miss H's gentle prompts. Then Miss H turned to my birthday boy and asked for his compliment.
"I like yours shess," he said, quite simply.
"You like her dress, Finn?" Miss H questioned.
"No, I like hers shess." he corrected.
"You like her shirt?" I asked.
"I like her shess." he offered, a little more loudly, a subtle note of frustration in his voice this time.
"What is it Finn?" Miss H asked again, still not understanding.
"Oh, you like her sparkly top?" I asked, hoping, but fighting unsuccessfully against the heat I could feel rising.
"No! I like hers shess!!" He blurted out in frustration as he thrust up his shirt to his chin and pointed at his own chest, "THESE...I LIKE HERS SHESS!"
"Well, I don't think we ought to write that down." Miss H whispered to Mrs. S.
* * *
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pumpkin Pickin'
This was us last year picking pumpkins and eating cider doughnuts at Honey Hill Farm:

It was CHILLY. Loads of fun, but so freezy. See how I'm not really smiling, but mostly grimacing? My face was frozen.
Yesterday we went a pumpkin pickin' again. It was 89 degrees. This Midwest weather certainly keeps things interesting.
We rode the tractor wagon out to pick pumpkins and gourds with Max - a black lab. I think he pretty much spends the day riding the wagon back and forth. There was also Beau, the Bloodhound, but dang he was fast. Too fast for me and my camera.
We played a little in the hay bale maze, checked out all the farm critters, and ate our bellies full and distended of fresh cider doughnuts.
On our way back home Eric and the kids checked out a small military air museum. I didn't much see the point in paying 8 bucks per adult to see a dozen old planes, so I waited in the car. I'm cheap like that. Besides my view from the parking lot was just fine. But the kids loved seeing the planes, and miss Fia declared it to be the best day ever. (She does that a lot)
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