We had a brief scare wondering if he might have a detached retina as a result of what we shall always look back on fondly as "the bungee cord incident", but an urgent trip to the opthalmologist calmed our fears.
Tangent: The opthalmologist's name was Bienvenidos Castillo, II. Would have bet my firstborn's last good eye we were expecting an appointment with a man of Hispanic heritage. So you'll understand why I stifled a "wha??" when in walked a man of Asian descent, complete with an Asian accent. And he was definitely Dr. Castillo. I've wracked my brain, and still I've got nothing. Just. Don't. Get. It.
Anyway, despite seeing "seeweed" in that eye, he has mended just the same. And we've been so, so grateful that a black eye was the extent of it.