Early morning view from our condo on our first morning
We hoofed it to Toy Story Mania and good thing we did because the wait times on the ride quickly got a bit ridiculous and we aren't really the waiting sort. We came out to find the Green Army Guys. I love their flat shoe bottoms.
We loved the Indiana Jones stunt show and really, really loved the extreme motor stunt show. McQueen was spotted racing around and we are big, BIG fans of Lightning McQueen around here.
We thought we'd try the Rockin Roller Coaster, because why not? And when they say 0 - 60 in like 2 seconds, they're apparently not kidding. Whoa. Wonderboy concluded it to be the best ride of all time and we rode it 5, 6, 8 times? Can't recall. It was pretty awesome.
The boys braved the Tower of Terror, but I gave myself a 'pass' on that one. I was about 112% certain that the combination of random plummets and opening doors would induce a panic attack. My girl decided to stick with me, so we busied ourselves with some pin trading while we waited. When the boys came out, Bubs very sternly informed me that "It was NOT. FUN. AT. ALL." E let him stop for a pressed quarter for his act of bravery.
We practically ran into Captain Hook, Mr. Smee and one of the chipmunks just sort of hanging around with no one to talk to. The kids were all about getting autographs, but talking to the characters? Not so much.
Sophia spotted the evil queen and she was a brilliant evil queen. Just perfect. She looked Miss S over and declared her to look too much like Snow White and we all know how she feels about Snow White.
Jedi Training Academy was a huge hit, especially for Bubs because if you can take a swing at Darth Vader, what's not to love? And Darth Vader in person is quite intimidating and not to be messed with. And now we know we only use the force for good and so we'll try to remember that when whacking our big brother with the light saber.
We were completely tuckered out by 7:30 so we called it a day and went back to the condo to collapse in our beds.