Friday, January 22, 2010

A reveal.

This was our half bath when we walked through the house before making an offer. What this photo doesn't show you was me gagging in revulsion. Notice the light fixture? It was an 'upgrade', and the only light source in the room. I don't know. Maybe the bathroom was originally lit by candles or something. Fetch me my night vision goggles! I'm going in!

And now ladies and gentlemen, behold my husband's dazzling fixer-upper skills...

Crown molding. In other words, E rocked the coping saw.

New 5" baseboard trim work, courtesy of E and his mad mitering and coping skills.

As you can see in the mirror reflection, I'm not done painting, but I recently developed a unfortunate obsession with the show "Lost" and all painting projects are postponed until further notice. So there.

Three sixty-watt bulbs, baby. My life is now complete.

This toilet lever was my contribution to the project, aside from painting. I thought it was noteworthy.

The end.

He's sick. And he needed to stay home from school.

And the big finish:

My poor sick boy.