There is truly something restoring in resuming the daily routine. Without a schedule to keep over our holiday break, we've languished in bed until 8:30 in the morning (except of course for E who sends a scornful glance my way as he passes me cozily snoozing under the down comforter before 6 a.m. each weekday), perhaps rummaged up breakfast around 9:30 and puttered around feeling a bit aimless (but not necessarily in a bad way...) until the day is absolutely frittered away. My day's accomplishments might be limited to changing a long since burnt out light bulb or actually feeding the dog. As nice as it is to feel that there is really no argument at all to waste energy changing out of one's pajamas, there comes a point when you want things to return to their regular hectic pace. So, it is with all this in mind that we woke up at 8:30 this morning one last time.
School resumed today (FINALLY! YES! Insert Hallelujah chorus here!) so no more excuses for us. Time to look alive! Just making it through the holidays and putting away the Christmas decorations leaves me desperate to do some deep down cleaning. I want to muck out the stalls and organize every nook and cranny. But with big kid in school and little kids napping I spent my first quiet afternoon in three weeks doing...I have no idea what. I'm pretty sure I might have spent my few hours of quiet, kid-free time staring blankly at the wall, mouth agape. How sad.

And now to appease the grandparents, kid photos:
The kids first sledding experience
And the cutest milkmaid ever enjoying a 65 degree day in January.
Where did you get the adorable dress? Do tell!
Ebay baby!
Nigh unto perfection.
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