My good friend Scully's comment on the kids' superhero capes and her own childhood memories of playing Wonder woman took me back. Way back! Wonder woman was one of my most favorite imaginative play scenarios. Wonder woman was all that and a bag of chips. The tiara, the bullet-deflecting wrist cuffs, and don't even get me started on her shiny bustier and the resulting spectacular décolletage. Oh, and did I mention the invisible airplane?
So as the oldest of three girls (and maybe the bossiest?) I was Diana. THE Diana. Me. Diana. Just me. Not them. And speaking of them, eh... next oldest was Dee-ana, and the youngest sister got the extra special title (wink, wink)... Do-ana. Now that I think about it, I don't even remember her complaining about being Do-ana.
Obviously I had ALL the amazing super powers. As for Dee-ana, I probably bequeathed her some fabulous super power like the ability to slice cheese without a knife or something, and poor Do-ana... Well, she was probably stripped of any superpowers she possessed immediately upon commencement of our imaginative play, and demoted to Official Airplane Washer or Tiara Polisher. So, to my indulgent sisters, thanks for humoring me. I, at least, had a great time playing Wonderwoman.
So as the oldest of three girls (and maybe the bossiest?) I was Diana. THE Diana. Me. Diana. Just me. Not them. And speaking of them, eh... next oldest was Dee-ana, and the youngest sister got the extra special title (wink, wink)... Do-ana. Now that I think about it, I don't even remember her complaining about being Do-ana.
Obviously I had ALL the amazing super powers. As for Dee-ana, I probably bequeathed her some fabulous super power like the ability to slice cheese without a knife or something, and poor Do-ana... Well, she was probably stripped of any superpowers she possessed immediately upon commencement of our imaginative play, and demoted to Official Airplane Washer or Tiara Polisher. So, to my indulgent sisters, thanks for humoring me. I, at least, had a great time playing Wonderwoman.
Those lovely days of make-believe...
Ah, yes, Do-ana, the powerless, but happy to just be included in the playing of Wonder Woman.
what REALLY did we do? All I remember is running around the yard talking about how great the super powers (which I lacked) were, and what we could do with them!
I remember well, those days, and I remember being perfectly content with the role my elder sisters allowed me.
I also remember Barbie being played the same way. I think you had the mansion, the second had the house, and I was left with the shack.
I must say I am thankful for my older sisters teaching me humility. It has come in handy over the years!
A :D
Now I understand why we've been best friends since kindergarten. Although we never played Wonder Woman together, we were equal fans of Dianna, her outfit, her super powers etc. Maybe that is why we never played superheroes together, we both would have insisted on being Dianna and that wouldn't work. My older sister used her powers of persuassion to convince me to be content as the little sister with the invisible air plane. I was younger and fell for the flawed logic she used. Our Dad cut up paper cups and covered them with tin foil so we had the bullet deflecting bracelets. Yeah, we were cool. I wonder if I could find the wonderwoman show on DVD? Can't you just hear that catchy theme song.......All the world is waiting for you....and the powers you possess.......
"DO" might have been the lowliest but we know who ended up with more than her share of the decolletage. Pay back.
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