First of all, I'm awaiting the arrival of my much anticipated new toy. Expected to arrive before 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Waiting for the battery to charge is quite possibly going to kill me.
Besides obsessing about my soon-to-be new toy, I've spent a lot of time lately with this stuff...and lots of books on CD (I had no idea how much white woodwork is to be found around here):

Last July E bravely conquered our horrendously lush 1995-ish master bath wallpaper. I so wish I had a picture of the 'before', as it will be difficult to do it justice in mere words. I'll give it a go though. Think standard builder faucets and those horrid Hollywood light fixtures - you know, the kind with 6 orbit-like exposed bulbs. Then picture deep green wallpaper, striped, with red and gold designs in it, and to finish it all off with opulent flair, a huge dark green velvet swaggy valance with green braided fringe. Mammy and Scarlet could have made quite a frock out of our valance.
Anyway, I've just finished off the job of painting all the trim in our bedroom and bath. (But I've opened a can of worms in doing so as I'm now fixed on painting ALL the white trim in the house). E is now a master plumber and electrician, having installed new faucets and light fixtures. And perhaps at the one-year anniversary of the start of this project we will have everything finished and the mess cleaned up, and our bedroom pieced together. One year. One year to paint walls and install new fixtures. No new tile, no new vanities, just paint, mirrors and fixtures. One year. I shudder to think of the duration of a more ambitious project around here. But to brag on E's new found handyman skills:
As for the wee ones around here, Wonderboy is desperate for school to resume. We've had too much cool, rainy weather to be outside much and they are all climbing the walls. Bubby has taken to circling the outside perimeter of the house hoping for a weak point through which to escape to the great outdoors. Wonderboy attaches himself firmly to E when he arrives home from work and pummels him with a barrage of questions as though he is his only contact to the outside world. Bull-headed, obstinate S flip-flops from her usual perky self, to suddenly despondent and sobby girl, wailing "I just miss my gwamma and gwampa soooo much." Hear that, gwamma and gwampa? I tell you, without preschool and kindergarten, dance class and swimming lessons, these three are all going a little cuckoo and threatening to take me with them. Cuckooness evidenced:
I love the new paint color and I'm impressed with your home improvement skills. A random boyfriend of mine once offered to replace my drippy kitchen faucet. Handy was not his middle name. 4 trips to home depot later, a minor flood, shutting off water to the entire house and a desperate call to my very handy father later, Dad saved the day, dented the said boyfriend's pride, and replaced the faucet. Not all men are handy although I think they all tend to assume they are.
Oh. if sweet S. only knew! Her poor ol gwamaa has spent this day just knowing that she was meant to be on a plane where she has been every Good Friday for a number of years. I'm missing Mexican food for dinner and the anticipation of seeing what fine frock will be adorning sweet S Sunday morning. Please take lots of pictures for me.
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