And let's just say you dug out the old tick-tocking, wind-up metronome so as to get those durn triplets in "Siciliana and Giga" from Sonata V up to the brisk 120 called for. And let's throw in some sleepless nights, some indigestion, a whole lot of sweaty palms and all the general splendor that is stage fright. And then let's say you arrive for the music competition (yawning repeatedly and uncontrollably, because that happens to be your physical response to severe jitters), dressed in your good duds, trying your very best to enter the auditorium with confidence and a professional air (and without any more yawning), to discover you'll be performing on this:

I'm not even kind of kidding. No soft pedal. No sustain. No possibility of dynamics. And an office-type chair to sit on, so you pretty much have to sit up straight and crane your neck unless you want your chin inadvertently hitting the keys. And then if you play too vigorously (and come on - triplets at 120 are going to be vigorous), the whole thing starts wobbling. If the whole situation wasn't so sad it would be kinda-sorta funny.
The violin is looking more attractive all the time...
Oh my gosh! This is 10 on my humor scale! And then it got to the OFFICE CHAIR! Pfffft! I'm dying.
Poor you though.
You've seen how nervous I become when it's time to play a well rehearsed piano duet in public. I believe you thought I was having a seizure my hands were shaking so bad. Wow --- this story cracked me up.
I enjoy the music too, I think I recognize some of it from Dan in Real Life, one of my top movies as of late. It's all filmed in Rhode Island. Go figure.
If feel for you having to play on that thing! That is a toy not an instrument. We just saw that movie and I loved the music! I think I'll go buy it now.
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