Our mornings have been beyond lovely lately. I don't know why, and I'm not questioning because I desperately do not want to alert the weather fairies to the obvious oversight in not sending us the regular oppressive August heat. With our back door open while we have breakfast, we've been able to see several spectacular webs about the yard, some more than 2 feet in diameter. Those are some hard-working arachnids, if you ask me. And I don't have the heart to take out a broom and knock away the webs. Instead we squint and wonder if there might be a message or two woven in there somewhere.
Awesome photo-Beautiful. I've been looking for a good web in the yard here, but just find the messy funnel ones. I have the Ensanada Mexico webs!
Hayley and Nathan watched Charlotte's Web (it was the Dad's-the-Lone-Parent Double Feature along with Toy Story). It came to the last scenes and Hayley just ERUPTED in violent and ongoing sobs. She kept saying she was crying but didn't know why. Just have to hug her and be grateful she has a tender heart.
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