Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The whole point to Tae Kwan Do

Wonderboy was unusually quiet this morning while polishing off his Cheerios, and then, in his characteristic completely random way, said:

"Mommy, I've figured out why you learn to chop boards in two in Tae Kwan Do. If a really bad guys tries to kidnap you, you could just take a board out of your pocket and chop it in two. Then he'd see how you're able to chop boards in two and think - Whoa, I'm not messin' with this guy."

And I was all, Yup, I think you're spot on there buddy.

Man, I love the way this kid's brain works.


ticktock said...

So, would this form of martial arts be called Kai-kwan-do? Should it be loosley based off the ancient art of Rex-Kwan-Do?

I'm just wondering...

Julie said...

Love it, a board in your pocket.

Anonymous said...

It happens to be a new version of Kai-kan-do. Grandpa for sure isn't going to mess with this guy.