This weekend we had a little family outing to Science City. Just look at the enthusiam...

Disclaimer: Unabashed mommy-blogging at its worst. Read at your own risk. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to, headaches, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea, and an uncontrollable urge to dig one's eyes out with soup spoons. Should you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue reading and consult your physician.
Hurray for E reading Twilight!! I wish I could get John to read. I am re-reading New Moon right now. I love your posts, you are so funny!
So much I never knew about ice cube trays and Science City. Just like your prolonged abstainance from yogurt, I have not read any of your postings for a long time and now wonder - what have I been doing?! Your posts ARE funny and it is great to the little insights of family moments.
My criticism of book one notwithstanding, I am somewhere in the first third of New Moon*. E need not feel so alone.
Keep posting!
* Aside from the dramatic B-movie plot, Twilight wins points for originality in concept. I think parts of it remind me of dreams I had when I was about 15. Were it not for the guilt of neglecting a job and a family and a long list of classics my own E wants me to read as part of homeschool curriculum, I would have finished it a month ago. Currently I'm in the Illiad to be followed swiftly by Gilgamesh. :)
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