When life gets crazy, I prefer to unearth the sewing machine. So I followed the tutorial at
Presser Foot to make a little girl's dress out of one of daddy's dress shirts. He's got plenty. He won't miss it. And it turned out pretty cute. How come there are so many creative brains out there in blogland?

And I decided to try my hand at free motion machine quilting, so I pieced this strippy lap quilt and machine quilted it. Not so easy, it turns out. I mean this little quilt has 'issues'. But it's serviceable.

I'd love to get rid of it, so if someone wants to leave a comment that they want it I'll gladly pack it off and send it on it's way to you. And if TWO people want it, why then I'll have Bubs choose who to send it to. And if, say, three people want it, then we'll draw a name out of a hat. That's right folks! Free lap quilt with 'issues'! Just what you've always dreamed of.
And as bizarre and unbelievable as it truly is, I'm aware of a few readers in far off exotic lands - but I'd really prefer to pay U.S. postage, thank you kindly.
I WANT IT!!!!! I mean, what sort of issues could a cute little lap quilt possibly have? Issues or not, I will love it!
The little girls' dress turned out darling! :)
Whoah! Darling dress! Do you happen to know what measurements you used, or did you just do your magic and it turned out beautiful?!?
And I have to ask, what type of issues? I see no issues! Any issues are better than my never-finished quilt that has been sitting in a box for 15 years.
Ok, Bubs, pick Auntie A! (Unless someone else wants it)
Um yeah, as a friend that took summer home ec with you --- I'm throwing my hat in the ring with the others that are desirious of your lap blanket. I was sitting right by you when Ms. Fowler taught you how to back stitch and unpick.
I can't see any visible issues and I am sure I don' thave the patience or skills to make my own lap blanket and it's adorable.........but I could offer a swap to sweeten the pot.
In approximately the 8th grade I began crocheting a mauve afghan. Let me repeat it's MAUVE. I beleive it ended up being about the size of a lap blanket or the top of a cedar chest but it isn't exactly square, one edge is loose and stretched out. Let's call it a one of a kind design. I think it is my mom's basement somewhere along with 12 or 13 things of yard to finish the project.
Come on you know you want it. I hear Mauve is making a come back. ha ha ha.
Amy R.
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