I dropped off a bunch of junk at Goodwill today, because why not move long distance with your junk and then purge, right? Right. Our new kitchen is larger, but oddly enough seems to hold less. So I couldn't justify keeping all nine sets of mixing bowls, or the wok we haven't used in four years, or the components to an old food processor I threw out 3 years ago. You get the picture. E and both declared NO MORE KITCHEN CRAP. Moratorium on kitchen crap.
Anyway, while I was there dropping off the aforementioned junk, I thought I'd dash in for a look through the shelves. Now, I've only ever ventured in a Goodwill once before and it was slightly horrific - the smell alone was so off-putting I left promptly. But some time ago I read about Duralex French bistro glassware and the sad fate of the factory here and here, and became a smidge obsessed with finding some bistro glasses to go with my new white porcelain bistro dishes (thanks, mom) and, although a long shot, I thought Goodwill was worth a try.
And, do you know I think I squealed out loud right there in the middle of all the knick knacks and kitch -and I should add that place was hoppin' - but who cares?! I found a nice selection of Picardie glasses!
And a bunch of these cute little sundae dishes. 
What? What moratorium?
I'm laughing about the Goodwill smell. I know exactly what you are talking about! I have only been in there once too, it was almost unbearable. Make sure you wash up your new goods really well! : )
It is weird to see other cars in your old driveway. Glad you guys are enjoying Chicago!
I love it! That's good old fashion reduce reuse recycle. And no worries. The dishwasher will sanitize everything. That what that setting is for.
You CRACK me up, girl! :)
Woo-hoo I love bargain buys!! And don't worry we dejunked too after we moved, weird how that works.
Nicely done.
My sister always finds incredible treasures at the good will but during their last "visit" her daughter had to to use the extremely frightening/dirty/horrificly disgusting facilities and as a result she may not be able to return for a while. The story of the encounter made me lose my appetite and left me with a visual I could have done without.
So, happy treasure hunting but word to the wise, avoid the facilities at all costs.
Also, I recall my sister saying that they (stupidly) moved a lot of stuff across country only to dispose upon it when it was discovered during unpacking.
I recall her asking why in the world they moved half of a window washer apparatus, college text books and a used toilet brush.
Cracks me up
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