Last week "gumpaw and gumpaw" came for a visit laden with an early shower of Christmas presents. The highlight for Bubs was discovering his very own Lightening McQueen big-boy-bike. All his hopes and dreams came to fruition as he tore away the wrapping paper to reveal a Lightening McQueen bike. I wondered if this new bike would be just the nudge he needed to finally learn to pedal in earnest. Or, would it worsen his apparent frustration in the mysteries of forward propulsion.
For a day or so he was content to push it in circles around the sofa. Of course, once gumpaw and gumpaw departed for the airport, he climbed atop and began to pedal with such speed and precise corning maneuvers that I've been forced to conclude he's particularly adept at closeting his mad skills until the perfect timing for maximum shock value is reached. (Perhaps he's perfectly capable of demonstrating potty-training...but waiting for just the right moment??) I bestowed just the right overload of motherly pleasure, with squeals of delight and lots of clapping. He gave me a look one reserves for the village idiot.
No day has been complete without several turns around the sofa. But today, TODAY, we took the bike outside for it's inaugural spin outdoors. He was beaming. The bike is a resounding success gumpaw and gumpaw - a resounding success!!

Love his reaction. And I love that fireplace!
NICE house!! Can I live there too? And on the potty training thing, you are right. Those darn boys wait until the last possible moment!
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