Crown molding. In other words, E rocked the coping saw.
New 5" baseboard trim work, courtesy of E and his mad mitering and coping skills.

As you can see in the mirror reflection, I'm not done painting, but I recently developed a unfortunate obsession with the show "Lost" and all painting projects are postponed until further notice. So there.

Three sixty-watt bulbs, baby. My life is now complete.

This toilet lever was my contribution to the project, aside from painting. I thought it was noteworthy.
The end.
Beee-u-ti-fulll! It looks great! E should be proud of his skills -- you know the girls like skills! ;) What is the paint color on the walls? It looks like a pale blue perhaps?
LOVE the molding and the baseboards! It turned out very nice.
Love it! We are working on our bathrooms as well right now--time to get my rear in gear so that I can have a "reveal" too!! Very cute!
It looks awesome! The colors you painted really warmed up the room! I love it!
"Lost" is sooooo much more important than painting (really).
Wow- I LOVE it and I'm extremely jealous. I have a few light fixtures in my house that are seriously sad and retro. But not retro in a cool hip sorta way. More like "that looks like a light fixture your grandmother picked out 40 years ago" sorta way. But we no longer let my do-it-yourselfer Dad deal with electrical and Keith Harrop almost electricuted himself once when he installed a new disposal......so I just ignore the ghastly light fixtures. They are no wear nearly as cool as the dog made out of tile in the basement floor.
ha ha ha
Awesome-The molding thing goes on forever.
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