Wednesday, September 5, 2007

She loves me...she loves me not...

There are moments when my heart will burst receiving so much love from my kiddos. Like when I get one of those priceless choke hold hugs only a little one can give.

This afternoon, however, she wasn't feeling the love. On our way home from walking Wonderboy to school, she was insistent on walking directly between me and the stroller, and after I'd nearly broken my neck a time or two tripping over her, I directed her to the side of the stroller. My decision was firm, and her reaction was equally firm. A torrent of tears it was. She was clearly in painful anguish walking NEXT to the stroller, instead of BEHIND the stroller. I must digress here to explain that she is a pretty good eater for a three year old. Among her likes are hummus, carrots, broccoli, fruit of all kinds, and many, many other healthful foods. She does NOT, however, like tomatoes. She will not touch raw tomatoes with a ten foot pole. If she feigns fear of something, anything, it is because a tomato might fall from the sky and crush her in a freak-tomato-accident. She was worried about her first visit to the dentist because a tomato might somehow be involved. She didn't want to clean up her room a few days ago because she was sure there was a tomato hiding under her bed. So you will understand the depth of her agony when she told me through her body-wracking sobs (again, this episode was all about where she was allowed to walk in relation to the stroller...) "Mommy, you are,..YOU....ARE....A....TOMATO!!! And I don't like you."

You can imagine my relief when a short while later, she insisted on giving me a kiss -- apparently I was only a tomato for a very, very brief moment.


Scullerina said...

The tomato story cracked me up. I'm not a huge tomato fan but I can eat them and I am pretty sure there aren't any under my bed :) Love today's story.

Anonymous said...

Look at that bicep!