She has endured the painful and seemingly endless wait for preschool to start and the day has finally arrived. She is wearing her favorite red "flip-floppies" because, well "THEY MATCH MOMMY!!" (said in long-suffering exasperation) I explained that the mulch on the playground could prove pesky in those ridiculous flip-floppies, but she wouldn't hear it. Wonderboy gave her a drawn out lecture on the many facets of being a preschooler and potential preschool jitters. I think what she heard was "Blah, blah, blah, blahbity, blah", but she did a beautiful job of feigning interest in his sermon.
Wonderboy is convinced that after dropping him off at kindergarten, the rest of us return home to a fantastic afternoon of partying and general merriment. So, this morning he announced that since he would be the one heading home with mom while someone else stays at school, he would be having "fun, fun, fun". Reality check. He helped me unload the dishwasher, clean old papers out of the car and pick up a huge mess of wet pens and pencils in the kitchen that came clattering down every which way when I tried to mix grabbing the camera out of the cupboard, carrying a full bowl of water for the dog and trying not to injure the extra 20 or so pounds that was wrapped tightly around my left leg, namely Bubby. The laptop survived the disaster, but everything else in the kitchen was drenched. We've spent the morning doing damage control, and surprisingly, Wonderboy just told me "It's so great for a kid to be able to spend the morning with his mom." Damn he's good. Very good. So I guess the mess can wait. I'm off to spend some quality time with Wonderboy and his Legos...
Update --
First day of preschool went off without a hitch. Of course. She is in love with this idea of heading off, playing with friends, and best of all, snack time!!! Here she is with her official school tote bag:

And here is how hard they worked her on her first day of school:
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