Here is how it went down. Bubby was cruising around as usual, putting anything that fits into his mouth...into his mouth, as usual. I noticed he was sucking on something - and drooling a lot, so I did the old finger-sweep trick and came up with....a ladybug. Deeply disturbing right? But it was alive!! I can't explain how heebie-geebied out I was to discover its little legs awigglin. I did the heebie-geebied, spazzing-hands freak out, so the poor thing which just escaped being eaten alive now flew through the air and landed legs up in my sink. I was afraid I did it in for good with the air launch, but I think it just might make it now. Its legs are wiggling once again.
The creepy thing is that there are a lot of ladybugs in our house right now. I don't know why - do they try to get inside to escape the cold nights? Anyway, now I'm wondering how many of these things (which really should stay outside where they belong in my opinion, thank you very much!) has Bub been noshing on? Blech!
How did Bubby feel about you wrestling his little snack from him?
I think you should compose a song about this ladybug experience for Princess S!
A :D
Maybe they're all coming to a ladybug picnic.
I'm just saying...
Cause we have some at our place too. And I mean INSIDE. Though not inside mouths. Yet.
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