Monday, January 28, 2008

Wasting away to nothing.

We've been alerted to the fact that Wonderboy has been demonstrating his clever cunning for his primary teachers - a well-meaning couple who are young and don't yet have children (translation: suckers). They spoke to a member of the bishopric because they were concerned there might be 'problems' with our family. Since E spends every Sunday morning in meetings with the bishopric, the story came right back to us.
The sad plight as told by Wonderboy: (Cue violins) We have no food in the house. Nothing, NOTHING to eat. Except maybe a little water now and then. We are starving, wasting away because we have no food. It's a wonder we survive with nothing to eat. We're starving! Oh, and our house is freezing. (Violins fade)
Yesterday his situation improved a little. He told his teachers he was allowed one banana.
So we are going to start a Feed Wonderboy Fund. Anyone who has fallen for this waif's sad, sad story, feel free to send donations. All proceeds will go directly to the purchase of more bananas.


Anonymous said...

Eric does look underfed, and we know that the cats are starving. I do agree, the house is freezing-you got that one right! The picture says it all. I do remember when the dog looked slight emaciated but that did not last long. We'll pray for you.

Aubrey said...

I see Wonderboy has your nack for making interesting stories doubly interesting...very smart.

Aubrey said...
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Anonymous said...

Since you are always looking for interesting places to live( Eric) consider Brazil. Bananas are cheap there!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture. It captures so much and it's a lot better than the scowl I got last night when I refused to take him to ToysRUs.

Scullerina said...

Wonderboy is a creative little guy and a great story teller. I see a future in advertising for him.