Monday, April 14, 2008

My words haunt me...

Parenting is challenging. Nobody who has experience with it needs to be told that. And the challenges are ever evolving. When numero uno, a.k.a. Wonderboy, was a wee thing I wondered what the big whoop-de-do was. It sleeps, it eats, it cuddles -- what could be better? Let's have a dozen! With mobility, a fascinating new stage begins. Again, no biggie. Cover the outlets, barricade the stairs and lock up the cleaning supplies. Vacuum obsessively, because anything you miss goes right into your own live, in-the-flesh, Hoover. Doable.

It was when a certain level of verbal sophistication was reached that I panicked. At first it's cute and charming. For instance, Bubby's entire verbal repertoire consists of "kee" (kitty), "Ee-ow!" (meow), "Go, go, go!" (so apropos if you know anything at all about the boy) and "Here go!" "Here go" is a wonderful, all-purpose phrase. If you want something desperately, "Here go" accompanied by frantic hand flapping is just the thing. If you want to give somebody something, well then an insistent, or thirty, "Here go's" would be more than suitable.

But then those early verbal attempts become significantly more adept and expressive. They develop the ability to reason, argue and express their own strong opinions. And you find your own words just slapped right back at ya.

For instance, this morning Wonderboy tried this one on for size:
"Mom, I would really love it if you would clean my room and make my bed for me."

The other day, he used this when he didn't like something I was doing: "That is not helpful." And also this when I asked him to grab a dishtowel for me: "I'm not going to do that for you. You're big enough to do that for yourself."

Yesterday Sassypants S said "I do not appreciate your behavior mom!"

And Wonderboy has been known to say to E, "Dad, do you need a time-out?" or the ever delightful "You might need to change that attitude!"

And just in case it seems we're always negative around here, Wonderboy said to me a few days ago, "Good job mom making your bed so nicely. Give me a high five."


Aubrey said...
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Aubrey said...

I think I just broke something, I'm laughing so hard.