The BIG day arrived with a whole lot of dancing and singing...and other things. And none too soon because I had two kids ricocheting off the walls. We had two memorable performances in store for us. But first a wee bit of a sinus infection, which left me feeling as though the, oh, 7% of me that is the right half of my skull was filled with lead, and the remaining 93% of me like death, necessitated a desperate trip to the doctor with three kids in tow. An hour wait in the waiting room (they weren't kidding when they coined that term, eh?) left me wondering what in the name of tarnation was I thinking bringing three kids to the G.P? Oh, right! I wasn't thinking. Apparently that 7% is pretty important in the overall scheme of things, as evidenced by the earlier chicken carmelization incident (which we're still recovering from, by the way). Why, I have to ask, does the painful and gradual build up of ooze in the sinuses equal detrimental impairment of one's brain function? Anyway, all I'm saying is, I love antibiotics.
Well, that taken care of, we prepared for Wonderboy's music program. His teacher had been specific in requesting 'best dress', and so naturally I pressed a shirt and selected a tie and braced myself for the protest. And Wonderboy did not disappoint. He got out of the shower and flatly refused to don the Church Clothes. Church Clothes are not for school he insisted. They are Boring Clothes, those Church Clothes, and Boring Clothes have no place in school. No place. They are only for Boring places. Like church. This continued for quite a while until I entered the letter from his teacher into evidence and we argued over the precise meaning of each and every word. I won eventually, but only by a hair, but, still it was a win.
As for the program, Wonderboy can get his groove on. He loves to sing and he loves to dance, and he loves to do them together. I think he really enjoyed himself, and it was so unbelievably adorable, you just wouldn't believe me if I told you.

But the fun didn't stop there, because we also were looking forward to my girl's big, year-end, dance recital. She was beyond excited for the opportunity to dance with Dad looking on, and was tickled pink when dad presented her with flowers after the recital. There was more unbelievable adorableness. Much, much, more. But I know you don't want to hear sappy blathering about all the cuteness, so here's a few photos...

So Doozie-of-a-Week almost complete. Almost. We still have Sunday to get through with all its Boring Clothing.
Can we plan for a personal recital with their number one fans in attendance when we get there? Remember-all the worlds a stage so anyplace is fine, the garage back-yard, front entry way. We can't wait to see the little stars. Oh dear, I guess getting Wonder boy back in the tie might be a little much-well costuming is optional. G-ma
I love the photos.Both performances look fantastic. Sorry to hear about the sinus infection, I hope you are on the mend.
Sophia is absolutely adorable! And Kai is quite the handsome little fellow. That is funny about the Boring Clothes.
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