Six years ago, I was as big as a house. Well, bigger, really, due to excess fluid and the eight pounder I was housing. I'm not over-blowing reality when I emphasize that my belly was really, really huge. But I truly couldn't have cared less because I was in the all-encompassing bliss of a must longed for and completely enjoyable first pregnancy. And Wonderboy mercilessly took our hearts prisoner right away.
I don't know how it's happened, but my sweet baby boy has somehow morphed into a little man. He retains his dimples and head full of curls, but he climbs trees and rides a bike and teaches his sister to write her name. He can make a sandwich and operate the vacuum. He is a Lego Master. He gives crushing bear hugs and pretends to be apologetic when he burbs aloud. He is artistic and sensitive. Bright and thoughtful. He has tremendous empathy and is inquisitive to a fault. His creativity knows no bounds, especially at 9 p.m. when you can't possibly imagine what reason he could have conjured up to be creeping down the stairs yet again.
Happy Birthday to my dear Wonderboy.
I still remember when Brad and I started dating and I met you (which I was extremely nervous about) and Kai was just over 1! Wow, time flies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDER BOY!
And this child introduced me to one of life's real pleasures-grandmotherhood. It doesn't get better than this! We are thinking a lot about him and his big day.... and of course 6 means the teeth start falling out. Happy Birthday. G-ma
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