Sunday, September 14, 2008

A little Sunday counting exercise

1 - The number of times I watched "Billy Elliot" after kids have gone to bed. One of my all time favorite movies. I would have absolutely no problem with either of my lads learning ballet (or ballee). And then they could go to the Royal Ballee School. And then I would sit in the audience and weep through Swan Lake.

And I have a fair amount of regret over the fact that I didn't name one of them Billy so I could yell "GO BILLY!!" at will.

2 - Boxes of brownies cooked in one giant pan. The result: three inch tall brownies. Evidence of E's shear genius? I think so.

3 - Number of juicy, resounding belches proudly released by Wonderboy during dinner.

4 - Glasses of pink bubbly drunk to fuel those juicy, resounding belches. Note to self: water is a suitable dinner beverage.

5 - Number of adult human beings invited for dinner, to enjoy an evening of Wonderboy's symphonic belching. We don't do this often. It is noteworthy.

6 - Twisty crayons lobbed forcefully, and with gleeful abandon, at the new family one row back in Sacrament meeting by Bubs. Hey-do! Welcome to the ward. Betchya didn't ever think a crayon could take an eye out, eh?


Anonymous said...

4 glasses of pink bubble drUnk, huh? ;)

Anonymous said...

it is obviously past my bedtime. Ignore odd and crazy earlier comment.
Maybe I had too much bubbly. . .