Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where's mah shotgun?

So, these mysterious tears began to appear in the cushions of our patio chairs this spring and I was really puzzled about the cause of the damage. And then word began to spread around the neighborhood of a crazy raccoon attacking unsuspecting folks in their yards and I wondered if that same raccoon was hanging out in my yard at night, and, well, sort of using an intimidation tactic on me by shredding the cushions in the middle of the night. It could happen, right? And then the cushions got worse and worse. And then we realized what was happening one day when fearless Daisy was yipping and twitching at the back door. And this is what we discovered:

And then I released my fierce Basset and she went into immediate attack mode, but then those ears got in the way and she was just a tumbling head-over-heals mess of stubby legs and waggly ears, and the squirrel got away. And now most of the fluffy contents of my chair cushions are somewhere high up in our trees where this guy's got a pretty cozy pad by now, I'd imagine.

That doggone, low-down, good-for-nuthin, dirty, rotten, stinkin' rodent...

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think Brad and Chris would be more than happy to help you - them darn rodents!