We've survived the week. And that, my friends, is a small miracle. Because when Bubs ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. What started as a cold, turned into a full-blown virus camp-out in Bub's throat that left him with blister-like lesions lining his esophagus, and a three day hunger strike. And when your throat hurts, you apparently don't want to swallow - at all - so you may decide that leaving your mouth agape and just letting that steady stream of drool fall where it may is about your only option. So we've been swimming in drool, and listening to his heart-breaking sobs and moans this week. All I'm saying is It . Has . Been . A . Week .
We've had some fun though. School parties and costume parades are just the thing for building excitement and giddy anticipation for the BIG NIGHT. Here's my handsome cowpoke, and sweet little cow-poke-ette parading about...
Last Halloween Fia declared she would be a cowgirl for this Halloween. But you know how us girls are, all wishy-washy and changing our minds all the time, right? So last month I asked her what she wanted to be and she rolled her eyes in exasperation and said "MOM, I ALREADY told you last year. I WANT TO BE A COWGIRL THIS TIME." Yes Ma'am! When I finished up her outfit, Wonderboy determined he would like to be a cowboy. So there you go. A cowgirl and a cowboy....and, er, a spider.
Bubs started to perk up yesterday morning and was 100 percent on board when he realized trick-or-treating was on the schedule. (He had some excellent practice at the church party.) In fact, he tried to get an early start as I was lighting the pumpkins on the porch last night. He noticed a woman walking by on the sidewalk, so he scooted across the lawn to her, hoisted his pumpkin treat bag at her, and when she told him she had no candy, he proceeded to make off with her cell phone.
And because I can't get enough of the crazy web-spinning go on around our yard I thought I'd show off the spooky web a kindly, obliging arachnid built up next to our front porch. Timely and in keeping with the holiday. I may have to reconsider my general attitude about creepy, crawlies.

OK Janna, Leslie and I(Kip)have been looking over your blog - laughing to say the least, but at the end of it all we are wondering... who the heck is raising your kids!?! Have you ever heard Bill Cosby the comedian's take on children/ grandparents and children - we think you are having a little trouble there and you must deserve it! Now you know what your Mom and Dad must have suffered through!! HA! HA! HA!
ADORABLE. Cutest cowboy and cowgirl and certainly the cutest spider I've ever seen.
Nice job with the costumes. I am impressed!
I've found that chocolate is very soothing for a sore throat!!! Lovely costumes by the way. Ask Fia if I can have her boots...love em.
Hey Janna, crazy thing happened with my hair! I lost it - can't find it - no idea where it went? What are you saying? Don't I look good without hair on my head? Grandpa and Grandma think I am a Nazi skinhead!! Nice huh? I hope it doesn't return, being bald is great! Now I know what I will look like when I'm 80 and can't grow hair. You have some great lookin' kids - not sure about the thoughts that go through their minds and out their mouths! Too funny, some sassy - nothing a good flip to the lips can't cure! Our kids are PERFECT, so rest asured, it works??
Those are adorable costumes. Good job!
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