See, when you've reached the five-year mark at The Bank, you're not only fully vested in your 401k (plummeting in value, though it may be), but you ALSO receive a glossy brochure full of gadgets, jewelry, and sports equipment from which you may chose your very own gift! Sort of a 'Sure Do Appreciate Ya' memento. And I'll tell you, choices may not be a good thing for one such as our very own E. He doesn't handle choices well. Choices make him lose his train of thought and start walking in aimless circles, wringing his hands. I'm not kidding, just ask him. So the shiny brochure was perused and puzzled over. I think there may have even been an expiration date involved, as well as a gentle reminder nudge from a superior or two - like, We do value your service, really, we do! But for the love of all that's holy, make a choice, man!!
So now that the suspense is eating away at you, and you're biting your thumbnail wondering WHAT DID HE CHOOSE? What could he look at daily to remind him of his value in the workplace? What could possibly stand as a symbol of five years of dedicated service? Please, PLEASE, do tell!!
Well, since you're wondering, it would be the T-fal Family Pro DEEP . FAT . FRYER.
And I'm not joking around when I say I fear for the future of my family's health. Because apparently there's A LOT of foods that can be fried. Oh, the possibilities...I'm gagging at the thought.
Here he is, feeling all appreciated and enjoying his reward.
Everyone got in on a little doughnut action. We told the kids it was Family Home Frying Doughnuts Evening. And Wonderboy questioned what we could possibly learn about God by frying doughnuts. I told him I am quite certain God enjoys a warm doughnut now and then, when his schedule allows.
"Bread? Deep-fried? AND rolled in SUGAR?? Yes please!!"

This apparent loyalty has nothing to do with the boy, and everything to do with the doughnut.
Let's all hope that should he reach the 10-year mark, he will be offered a treadmill, a weight set, or a free echo cardiogram.
Let's make a trade. . . a couple doughnuts for a couple cupcakes. How 'bout it?
Andrea :P
Better yet; Learn how to make all the carnival treats. Then bring them with you during christmas... Yum Funnel cake...
Sweeeet gift. And those doughnuts... drool.
I thought he was the healthy one (just kiddin):)
You are soo funny!! I hope you guys are doing well. I love reading your blog. :)
So, the real question is what is the first item you deep fried??
Deep fried candy bars should be tried next. Yummmmm.
And remember, E, that those love handles are in reality anti-drowning devices when you go in the pool.
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