Monday, December 10, 2007

Survival Mode

We've all got a little bit of cabin fever around here. Church was cancelled Sunday due to bad weather, no school for Wonderboy yesterday since his tummy was sketchy, and school is cancelled today because we're in the midst of the ice storm hitting the midwest. So what do you do with three kids who haven't been out of the house in three days? No, seriously, what do you do? We're a little desperate around here. E is working from home today, so at least there are two of us to wrangle the crazies...

Anway, we're in the Christmas spirit around here, despite being a little stir crazy, and Christmas always makes me feel a little like recreating Jr. High home-ec. E got me a serger, so I couldn't resist whipping up this little frock, although it will have to wait in the back of S's closet for spring.

And of course, you must bake and cook all kinds of treats at Christmas time. E has been domestic too. An impulsive purchase of 42 pounds of cream cheese at Costco means you've got to do something with all that cheese, right? Enter mini-cheesecakes! The kids are perplexed by and completely in love with this strange sweet food that has "cheese" in the name.

So don't worry about us folks. If we lose power and are holed up in our house without power for weeks on end in this absurd weather, we will survive on peanut brittle and cheesecake. There may only be 6 rolls of T.P. in the house, but we've got cheesecake!

And if we don't lose power, santa came early this week and brought me this shiny tool of domesticity... It's my mission to find ways to slow cook everything we consume from here on out. What can you make in the slow cooker with 42 pounds of cream cheese?


Anonymous said...

What to do with the kids? Well, when I was a kid, I was given gripe water [].

I would take a nap, and not bother anyone after a glass or 2.

42 lbs of cream cheese!? E will building up a letter of protection against the cold winter weather outside if he eats all those cheese cakes. Is that his plan?

Andy said...

You've done Miss Fowler proud!

Scullerina said...
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Scullerina said...

Wow - if I had to be on "home arrest" thanks to an ice storm, I would choose to hide out in your home. (But this time I wouldn't bring a dorky guy from KY with me that has an abnormal attachment to his slober-covered pillow)
Good company, amazing food, adorable kids that are always amusing and plenty of cooking and sewing and quilting to help pass the time. Sounds like a vacation to me. When can I come?