Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sweet, blessed relief

I battled the teenagers at midnight last night (or was it this morning?) to get my hands on a copy of this. I was fortunate enough to spot a few ladies I knew at the bookstore, so I didn't have to wait alone, and by 1:30 a.m. I was back home with my precious acquisition. I read for an hour and then slept with it under my pillow, stroking it affectionately from time to time. However I got very little sleep given that E decided it was the perfect night for a lengthy snoring orchestral concert. That lasted ALL NIGHT LONG. Oh, and Fia decided to wake up twice whimpering that she was "just so bored because there's nothing to do in the middle of the night."

So I'm operating on, oh, maybe 2 hours of sleep today, but I'm almost done with the book and so the earth can resume normal rotations on its axis, the children can come out of their cages (just kidding), and I will try to do better than a distracted "Hmm" whenever E speaks to me. All is right in the world, thanks to Stephanie Meyer and Little, Brown. And I will do my very best not to use all three hours of church tomorrow to contemplate the complexities of vampirism and werewolf alliances...


Julie said...

I loved the book! I very impressed. I was a little nervous it was not going to end the way I wanted it, but she did it better!

Unknown said...


Your comments are absolutely hilarious!! You should write your own book. I love your sense of humor.

Brittany said...

I can completely relate. I loved it and now life can resume here too.