Monday, March 16, 2009

What did you do with your weekend?

Me? I furminated my cat. And it was strangely gratifying.

Also, we realized amid the tumult of Life-With-Bubs last week, that the boy had come to the conclusion, most decisively, that after so much quality time in his crib, he would no longer be spending his nights there. And that was that. So we've moved the crib out, the toddler bed in, and I have become the night-shift baby-jailer. This, too, is strangely gratifying.

He has not (yet) found a way to bust out.

(Disclaimer: Do not be alarmed. Bubs has NOT developed a cocaine habit while in the slammer. He did, however, enjoy a powdered doughnut just before the above photo was taken. And then he launched another Tantrum of Monumental Proportions just because.)


Julie said...

I LOVE the furminator!! And I agree there is something satisfying about grocery bags full of fur.

Andrea :) said...

Hmmm, I think I need to take the furminator to some of my pets. I doubt I could get such gratifying results as you obviously had!
I think a few times I would like to tie the door handles on M's room. However, I have nothing else like a well placed doorknob of a neighboring room like you have. I just have to revert to threats of taking personal coveted possessions away if she gets out of bed.
A :)

The Lassen Family said...

Love your "child lock". I hope it is still working for you :) Does he actually sleep in the bed, or whereever he lands?