Sunday, October 25, 2009

What the CDC didn't tell us about h1n1

That you will pity your poor, sick child so intensely, and want so desperately to cheer her up when she's feeling absolutely, horribly awful, you'll do something that at any other time would make you shudder with distaste. Would make you break out in a ferocious and unsightly rash. Would make your stomach roll with queasiness.

And what is this most horrible, horrible thing, you might ask? Well, I'll tell you. Brace yourself.

You will buy your sad, sad five year old a dreadful polyester sweater(?) constructed entirely out of a dead muppet, that you are surely allergic to, all because of her sad, drippy, feverish blue eyes. I am at once ashamed and confused, but there it is.

Let's hope she's fully recovered soon. I clearly cannot trust myself to act sanely right now. The upside of this is if I cannot finish her Halloween costume in between caring for sick kids, she can always go as Abby Cadabby.


Scullerina said...

The Abby Cadabby comment is hilarious. You are a diligent Mom. I hope everyone's health improves this week.
I wouldn't be worried about the sweater purchase unless you purchased a matching one for yourself. ha ha ha

Andrea :) said...

Wow! I've been wondering just how bad h1n1 is compared to any other flu. . . And I have to say, after seeing the evidence. . . It's worse! MUCH WORSE! I know you wouldn't normally, in a million year, purchase a sweater like that -- so it must be bad.

I do agree -- When you purchase a matching one for yourself, then you should really worry!

Angela said...

That is manifestation of true love. The sleeves look long enough to fit right through spring!

Unknown said...

I hear you. When Cooper was in the hospital I promised him the world. And I had to follow through. He got a dsi light (who knew they were $175?!) all the Wendy's bacon double cheese burgers he could eat etc. A mom's pity should not be underestimated.