Saturday, July 17, 2010

Aunt Julie J came to visit

There was just a little bit of enthusiasm as we looked forward to a visit from Julie last week. Of course as we arrived to pick her up at the airport, my children went mysteriously and instantaneously mute. It lasted about 12 seconds and then the din of deafening noise resumed as usual.
My boys courted Miss Julie quite aggressively. Uncle B may have cause for alarm. Wonderboy trailed her (into the bathroom a time or two I fear) obsessively, and peppered her with questions and detailed information about all his favorite Wii games. I mean, he was laying it on thick. I haven't seen his dimples so frequently in such a short period of time.

As for Bubs, when we made a visit to Shedd Aquarium, and were eating lunch overlooking the lakefront, the seagulls were too much to resist and he ran off in pursuit of them. Julie quickly caught up to him and he paused long enough to let her know "I is chasing birds. Ya want one?" That kind of generosity is rarely observed in my rough, tough number 3. I'm just saying.

And then there was Miss Fia, who was dazzled by Aunt Julie's flower-adorned attire for a family wedding, Aunt Julie's red satin stilettos, and well, by Aunt Julie. She wanted to sit next to Julie, play with Julie, and I think there may have been some interest in just crawling into Julie's pocket and remaining there, just to make things easier.

Speaking of Miss Fia, she took charge of the camera while at the aquarium. Following are some highlights from her debut as event photographer.

This next one wins the award for most inexplicable. I suspect she thought this family just looked so darn cute, ready for their photo, no use letting the oppotunity pass.
So to the happy family in front of the 10 1/2 foot fish statue, just in case your own photo didn't turn out, we've got your back.
Thanks for visiting Julie. Come back soon and maybe bring Uncle B. Wonderboy will challenge him to a duel. At sundown. On the Wii.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ha! I had so much fun. Which everyone pretty much knows by now. And the pic of the strange family - hee hee, I remember when she snapped that picture. I think they were just as confused about a little girl taking their picture too. Oh, what fun times.