Saturday, October 6, 2007

If the pumpkin fits, wear it!

Today we trekked out to our favorite pumpkin patch to ride a tractor-pulled wagon out to the patch to hunt for the coolest, biggest, smallest, bumpiest, greenest, fattest pumpkins we could find to pile up on the front porch. On the wagon with us was another family - 4 boys and 1 baby girl, the oldest of which was no older than our own oldest. Gulp. Each day with our own 3 busy ones is chaotic, tiring, joyful, frustrating, dramatic, aggravating, blissful, rewarding, agonizing and so much more. I truly cannot imagine having five young children (like my own mother had by my age) and maintaining any degree of sanity. But this was a happy and well-behaved brood today. Well-behaved and well mannered. It was actually my own son who busied himself telling (loudly) the wagon load of pumpkin patch visitors how funny it would be to be scared, not just out of one's pants, but also out of one's underwear, leaving one standing there nekkid. I seriously wonder if it's better to know what this kid is telling strangers, or to stick with the ignorance-is-bliss stand on things. There is a little knot in my stomach that developed when I got my parent/teacher conference appointment and I realized I will soon be face to face with one person who has probably heard A LOT of this boy's stories. I sort of take a no-news-is-good-news approach with the kindergarten teacher and his teacher at church. I generally avoid eye-contact with these two. Whatever they've heard, it probably isn't good. And if not exactly bad, at least a wee bit mortifying.

Anyway, I digress. The day was very enjoyable, although incredibly muggy - 90 degrees and 93% humidity in October?? Stupid Midwest weather. What's more, I was truly grateful that I only had to count to three when counting the number of little heads buckled in the back seats. And to be fair, Bubby is like two kids squeezed into the packaging of one.
And because you can never have too many cute-kid's a few more:

Oh, and growing older has its perks - "Lovely" ones.


Scullerina said...

I hope you had a great b-day, and Bubby too. For the record, I totally covet your LOVELY perfume!

Anonymous said...

Those pumpkins an!d the three little scarecrows bring back memories of some of my very favorite days ever