Monday, October 1, 2007

Things you probably don't know about E

- If he didn't believe it would be wrong, he would clock Rick Steves over the head and take his travel show.

- It seems he is secretly attracted to older women. His crushes include Julia Child, Paula Deen and Miss Marple. So I guess the older I get, the more secure in our relationship I should be... provided I learn to cook better, or make a hobby of solving murder mysteries in my spare time while wearing a tweed skirt and sensible shoes. Strangely, he also likes Penelope Cruz. She isn't old ... does she cook?

- He has a disturbing knack at turning virtually anything I say into something vulgar and suggestive. Anything. Thankfully, he does not do this within earshot of anyone else.

- He likes shredded cheese over waffles, followed by syrup (blech!). This is a problem for me considering my food-segregation issues. I'm pretty sure waffles and cheese should not be combined.

- He really loves it when you tell him he's acting like a martyr. Really. Try it and see.

- He can't stand it when someone leaves the table without pushing in their chair. He will push in the offending chair with dramatic flourish to make sure you understand how much your rudeness has inconvenienced him.

- He cooks - but steer clear of the kitchen when he's working. If you enter the workzone, all bets are off and he will make you his next sous chef victim. Oh, and he's really bossy in the kitchen, so this is a fate you will want to avoid.

- He does not like marigolds or geraniums. I don't understand this given his generally cheerful and sunny disposition.

- He is a complete Masterpiece Theater junkie. Loves, loves, LOVES Masterpiece Theater. This might account in part for his crush on Miss Marple.


Anonymous said...

I'm crying now, but I'm probably more entertained by this than others. But I should point out that my affections are for Julia Roberts, not Julia Child, although the latter Julia's cookbook was one of my first...

Anonymous said...

I love it. This is your best blog yet!!

I learned things I never knew about him.

great job!

Keep adding the snarky posts!!!

Scullerina said...

This post is so amusing. There is a big difference between the Julias .... and I learned a few things I didn't know about E. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep that chair thing in mind. I would not want to be thrown out onto the street onto my booty. I have experienced THE LOOK many times before!

Anonymous said...

I saw this, as an item that may be useful for E to consider: