Monday, November 19, 2007

A hero in our midst

Last night at dinner, Wonderboy was horrified to discover a bug had landed in his glass of milk. He began shrieking, but daddy-to-the-rescue! fished that bug out and handed the milk back. Wonderboy said, "You're a hero dad." And he just chugged his milk down like nothing had happened. I won't even go into how gross it is that he drank it, and even better, that E handed it back to him fully expecting him to do just that. Anyway, he then launched into a little ditty from his favorite show "Higglytown Heroes", a strange little cartoon starring nesting dolls (why?)...

You're a Higglytown hero, brave and true,
you help the town with the things you do.
We'll work real hard in the things we do
so we can be a hero, just like you.

This morning when we all woke up and E was long gone off to work, Wonderboy was working feverishly on a little project downstairs: a hero-worthy recognition award.

Notice the Frankenstein portrait (his new favorite character), and Boo! which he proudly writes on everything. I blocked off his name because he also loves to write that on everything. Wonderboy bestowed this medal on a very honored and humbled dad when he got home from work.

1 comment:

Scullerina said...

I had to catch up on a few posts --- so now my question is if by any change the bug in his milk was a lady bug?

This story reminded me of the sesame street sketch with poor little grover trying to order soup in a resturant. There is a fly in his soup and he is totally upset.