Saturday, May 31, 2008

Droopy Daisy and other exciting houseguests

I've been so busy with our newest houseguest Daisy. I mean, just look at this face and tell me how I can get anything done? Wouldn't you feel compelled to cheer her up a little too?

She's our Basset foster, although in the spirit of full disclosure, complete honesty and just plain ol' keepin' it real, I don't think I can part with her. I think she's mine. Which is good because we could use a little canine personality around here. Luna, as elegant and dignified as she may be, well, has the personality of a box of rocks. There, I said it.

Daisy is not elegant. Daisy is not dignified. Daisy is a stubby-legged, long-eared, droopy-eyed goofball. And I love her for it.

And she likes to sleep on the bed which annoys E to no end, but I find sweetly endearing. The question to ask is, do I find it endearing that she likes to sleep on the bed....or that it annoys E? Hmm.

And we have other houseguests, who might coincidentally be similarly droopy after five days with the grandkids. Or more specifically, with Bubby. Grandpa and Grandma arrived, bearing goodies, of course, and we had another combined birthday celebration. If we ever celebrate their birthdays on one day, and one day only, I suspect their feelings will be quite hurt and they will feel the pain of such deprivation most acutely.

And now back to my houseguests, who at 3:53 p.m., are all snoozing away in various locations around the house. The only thing that distinguishes one from another at this point, is that Daisy is not snoring.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Little Daisy is so cute! That is very awesome of you guys to be foster doggie parents, I understand that you can't part with her, I would be the same way. I love the picture of her and Kai looking out the door, very classic.