Saturday, November 29, 2008

I've been tagged!! Tagged, I tell you!!

8 Shows I watch:
Pushing Daisies (cancelled now: sniff, sniff)
The Office
The Mentalist
Divine Design
Kath & Kim
What Not to Wear
Project Runway
America's Test Kitchen

8 Restaurants I Like To Eat At:
Mi Ranchito
Five Guys
Jason's Deli
Jaleo (*sigh* Jaleo, how I miss thee)

8 Things I Did Today:
Put up wreaths
Wandered through Ulta and picked out nail polish
Ate lunch at Five Guys
went to the library
watched Polar Express with kids
painted nails with previously mentioned polish (OPI's I only drink champagne)
cleaned the kitchen
listened to Christmas music on Pandora

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
New Moon
my hair growing out (stupid impulse)
Bub's potty-training
lights on Temple Square
Getting the broken "a" on my laptop fixed (side note: Don't try vacuuming your keyboard with the hose attachment. It might not go well.)

8 Things On My Wish List:
A Volvo XC70. Silver, if you please.
Bubs to potty-train himself
A prime lens for my camera
Orla Kiely multi-stem tote bag
professional flat iron
my hair to grow out
for some genius, somewhere in the world, to conjure up a way to eliminate all laundry (Geniuses, where are you??)
a Christmas without any of us getting sick

8 People I Tag:
anyone who wants to participate...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Janna - not that you asked for flat iron preferences but I thought if you are researching them I would tell you my favorite. I use the T3 - which I LOVE! My hair dresser recommended it to me, and I will never use another kind. It is pricey but worth every penny. I've had it for 4 years now and about a month ago it started having cord problems - I have to jiggle the cord around so the iron stays on. When you research the T3 you will learn they make a flat iron that is for wet to dry hair, I don't have this one and I will probably not buy it. The wet to dry is about $100 more than the regular. Also I understand that I have different hair than you, mine is thin with a little wave in it (and a lot of calics), but I had a roommate who had thick and wavy hair who bought one and she loved it because it kept her hair from being frizzy and it actually straightened it. Also the T3 has the temperature control so you can decide the amount of heat on your hair, the hottest setting is 460 degrees. Anyway there is my un-requested two cents on flat irons.