Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Need some help with your Thanksgiving dinner?

Wonderboy's teacher sent home a booklet entitled "How to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey". She included direct quotes from each child individually on their best advice for successfully preparing a turkey. I'm pretty sure it's the funniest thing I've ever read. And here is Wonderboy's best suggestion for a delicious turkey:

"Well, what you would do, is in the middle of the turkey put some lemon and stuff in it so it would taste good when it's time to eat it. When you are cooking it, you tie the legs up so all the stuff won't fall out. Right after that, you tuck the wings under, so when it cooks, the part on the other side of the wing where it doesn't show will get crispy and good too. If it doesn't, then no one will want to eat that part. You want to put some of that white stuff and the black stuff over it and that will make it good to eat on the top too. It will have some flavor AND be crispy from the salt and pepper!"

Got it? And that, my friends, is what hours of the food network will achieve for your six year old. Easy, peasy, lemon squeazy. He will totally be cooking our turkey.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Send him our way! He can come cook our turkey any day.

Oh, and why don't you let that kid watch some cartoons (instead of the food network) like the rest of the kids his age??

Anonymous said...

He's hired. How fast can you get him on the plane. You know the trauma we're having. We're not even sure we can get the bird in the oven. Ask him how he would handle that?

Julie said...

Wow, he knows how to prepare a turkey better than I do!

Anonymous said...

In having difficulty with the oven temperature while baking pies, Miss M told us, "Mommy! I might can save the day! '3 seconds ago' is the right temperature!"