I couldn't babble on about absurd parenting products without paying homage to my Adventure Buggy. And I do have adventures with this Buggy. I think I may love this beloved work horse more than life itself, and I should because I had to plead and cajole my little heart out to talk E into this one. And then I had to wait twelve very long weeks for the thing to be made and make the long trek across the wide, wide ocean from New Zealand to my home here in the middle of nowhere. AND I left town the day before it's scheduled delivery by the UPS man (who is probably one of my most favorite people ever). So, so worth the wait. It's sheer genius based on the stack 'em deep approach. Mine is a lovely Mediterranean blue/aqua combination that just makes me feel perkier. The only downside to this work of art is that we never go anywhere without swarms of ogling moms - and sometimes dads - wanting to know the particulars.
And here is a glimpse of mine in action.
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