The other day Bubby, Princess S and I were walking home after safely depositing Wonderboy in school, when Princess S asked me to sing songs to her. I asked what she wanted to hear a song about and she thought for a moment and said Ladybugs! I wracked my brain for a minute and the only thing I could come up with was a little rhyme mom taught me when I was little for sending a wayward ladybug on its way home. So I sang to S, "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house in on fire and your children will burn!"...Whaaaa? Who would tell their three-year-old that horrifying little rhyme? Me apparently. And my own mom too, I guess. She looked at me in an appropriately horrified way and then began to try to sing it herself. Since that day she has asked to hear it over and over, and she sings it herself, only her version goes like this: "Ladybug, ladybug fly away home, your house is on fire and your children will be fired!" She sings the end with her best growly, demise-style voice and adds wiggly fire-like finger gestures. I've tried modifying the words to create a perky cheerful, not-depressing version, but she's not interested. She only wants to hear of the burning babies. I've created a monster who fantasizes about the sad, sad demise of ladybug babies! I've awakened a very morose and previously unrevealed facet of her personality!
Well, this morning I googled the rhyme and discovered I had it wrong. So if anyone needs to be set straight on how to appropriately send a ladybug on its way (although I'm not sure the correct version is any less horrible), here it is:
-Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children are all gone.
All except one,
And that's little Ann
For she is hiding under the frying pan.
And what about Rock-a-bye baby?
And what about rock-a-bye baby?
How about the Ladybug picnic ditty from Sesame street?
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