The excitement around here today was palpable. A subculture of little people in dress-up, allowed to run about the neighborhood after dark begging for candy? Why, this day is nothing but pure kid bliss. And what events lead up to this day! Visits to the pumpkin patch - and later the carving of those pumpkins, costume parades at school, trunk-or-treat parties, visiting the enchanted forest complete with music, magicians and a ghost or two. Not to the mention the many, many conversations about just what costume will be the perfect costume. Princess S was emphatic about dressing as a pumpkin (NOT a tomato). Wonderboy was a pumpkin at age 3, so she simply HAD to be a pumpkin. That is until she saw other girls dressed as........PRINCESSES!! What? We saw a small girl in school yesterday in head-to-toe princessness, and she whispered in complete awestruck reverence, "Mommy,!?" I fear I have done her a great disservice by not disclosing fully - in advance - that this was a possibility for her. Oh well. The prospects of a bag full of candy will soothe even the most acute disappointment.

Shark attack!!
Sadly, the famous shark costumes my brothers wore disintegrated in the attic over time, but grandma J came to the rescue with the pattern and - ta da! - the tradition continues.
Happy Halloween!
I am thrilled to see that the Shark costumes live on. I remember when your brothers were sharks. This is still a memjory that my siblings bring up once in a while and it makes our family smile. Nice job re-creating the sharks and keeping the tradition going.
Technology- I may not understand it and usually exhibit great naievity, while literelly embarassing my grown children to no end, ...... how could I live without it when some of the favorite things in my life are so far away. It pays to be a grandma in this day. Until techology allows electronic hugs, though mom,you need to do the job for me. Thanks for sharing
I see a future for you as a professional costume designer. Do you do adult-size sharks?
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