Monday, October 15, 2007

It's good to be 1!

Ok, so maybe it's not. Especially because this poor guy won't be opening any presents, partaking of any birthday cake, or enjoying any festivities of any kind. At least not in the next few days. And to add insult to injury he is in the worst stage of a cold: tired, whiney, and a runny nose that just won't quit.

But! We do have a small triumph to share. Bubby is officially a walker. Drum roll please.........

Not that this is exactly breaking news. He's been on his feet to varying degrees quite a lot in the last 6 weeks or so, but he's really got it down now. And he is SOOOOO proud of himself.

So, come see grandma, and maybe we can share a cupcake or something.


Anonymous said...

Good Job Finn-I cant wait to see. Upon his feet- Time for another!

Scullerina said...

He is a walking man. Love the video!