Tuesday, September 30, 2008


(The Shiner, Insider's Guide: There is no fantastic story behind this injury. He went down when Fia when up. And as it turns out, Fia's head is rather hard.)

See a resemblance?


Aubrey said...

Bea-u-tiful. Um, is that a crayon he's eating. You do remember, Gus use to do the same thing....

Anonymous said...

Pleaes tell me the shiner has nothing to do with the "where's may shotgun" situation. I mean, Kids could shoot their eyes out with rifles i.e. the Christmas Story. The shiner is impressive. Can't wait to hear the story.

Amy R.

ticktock said...

Not that I'm keeping count, but:
1. Wonderboy told the primary teachers he was being starved.
2. Fia gets beat up by "brownies"
3. Bubby gets a shiner from "fia"

hmm... Should child protective services become involved?