Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hello, gorgeous

The thing is, ever since E and I got hitched, and then became young train-hopping transients in Europe, and ate the most lovely yogurt somewhere outside Prague, I cannot stomach yogurt available in the U.S. Sure it was likely made with full fat milk, but it wasn't loaded up with gelatins, artificial flavors and an astonishing amount of sugar. It was lovely. Did I already say that?

Oh, I buy yogurt, and then the kids eat it, or it sits in the refrigerator until we look at it suspiciously before throwing it out. But I almost never, ever, eat it. That is until I bought a virtual vat of plain "mountain-style" lowfat nothing-but-yogurt yogurt at Costco, topped it with fresh fruit and a wee drizzle of honey, and immediately fell in love of the truest kind. And I've since been wondering between mouthfuls, "Where have you been all my life you lovely, lovely perfection?"