Friday, October 26, 2007

When did parenting get so complicated...and bizarre?

So I'm by no means an expert at this parenting thing, but I've got three who have all miraculously survived their first year of life without the help of some of the gadgetry marketed toward parents as life-altering, must-haves. Now, a few things fall under the category of CAN'T-LIVE-WITHOUT. Say, pacifiers, diapers, a good sling or other such carrier and maybe a stroller. But I'm pretty sure something is wrong with this:

That's right, little teepees for preventing those shooting streams when the cold air meets the delicate bits. If you need these, you're not fast enough at the draw, partner. And, you do not currently have enough laundry to do.

Another unbelievable product:

Why spit? Why, why, why? Ever seen those handy little travel-size box of wipes?

And the gadget that probably started this rant on ridiculousness:

The Baby Keeper. Is it me, or is this just wrong, wrong, wrong? Really. Who hasn't juggled a wee one through a restroom visit? It is a really, really complicated task, so I'd concede the idea is interesting, but wouldn't this just be asking CPS to visit your doorstep? Was it so long ago that women were being cautioned NOT to hang handbags or other valuables on the stall hook because savvy thieves were reaching over and swiping those valuables right while you're least able to do anything about it because your fanny would be hanging out? I've never seen one of these actually in use, so maybe I'm not the only one disturbed by this bizarre invention.

1 comment:

Scullerina said...

I love this post. The bathroom hang-your-kid on the wall is certainly unique and resembles a torture device. It looks like it will give the innocent child an atomic wedgey. Yikes. The bottle of spit is absurd. Hoever, I have a confession. I did find peepee teepees in a boutique in CA a few years ago and bought them as a joke gift for my friend Sara. I don't think she ever used them with her infant son but the store told me they couldn't keep them in stock. If items like this sell, we should invent a few so we can retire in our 30s.