Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm filled with shame

I went to my favorite bulk-buying establishment this morning for a few basics, and a rotisserie chicken to feed the masses tonight while I head out with 'the girls'. I'm pretty sure Costco puts crack in their chickens. I mean, I'm not a particularly avid carnivore most of the time, right? But the smell of the chicken wafting through an enclosed car is too much for me. And I had to go pick up Princess S from preschool before going home. So that's maybe 2o-25 minutes in the car with that divine chicken smell making me heady and a bit delirious with chicken lust. Delirious. Chicken lust. Ya, that's right. I said it.

So, how to present a partially devoured bird to my family for dinner? Hi honey, I'm off for an evening of girl talk... have fun wrestling the wee ones into bed. Oh, and there's chicken in the oven. I got it for a screamin' deal, what with it having no arms and only half a breast...

And I have NO idea who ate all the brownies. So don't even ask me.

1 comment:

Scullerina said...

Do you recall the quotes about the addictive ingredients the colonel supposedly puts in KFC chicken from "So I married an ax murderer" (classic movie).
I think Costco does the same thing with the chickens. I mean, as a single gal, I really shouldn't purchase an entire chicken but the aroma sucks me in and I end up eating chicken for 3 or 4 days. So yummy!