Saturday, February 9, 2008


I have a thing for Costco. I do love it, and I'm a sucker for just about everything they sell. I also love that they offer samples right and left, especially when we're toting three kids along through the store, laden down with milk and 80 lbs of dog food and great big slabs of salmon. But I CAN NOT STAND samplers who stand around in their own happiness oblivion brought on by the Ghiardelli brownies or the fresh pineapple. I want to beat these people senseless with their own little sample spoons. Honestly, I swear some of these folks crawl out of their warm little holes somewhere, not to shop, but just to feed on the abounding free samples at Costco. I need a foghorn on my shopping cart and a megaphone in hand so I can remind these people, these bains of society, that some of us are attempting to actually shop and WOULD YOU PLEASE MOVE ON! The best samplers are the loitering nincompoops, clogging up the aisles, because there's a wait for the cookies fresh out of the mini oven, or the hot meatballs out of the cooker. Like a line at a soup kitchen! It's my belief that if you need ONE meatball that badly, then you're worse off than I thought, and maybe Costco is just not the right place for you. Now that I've got that out of my system, I'm off to rummage up something to eat. I simply could not sample any of the tantalizing foods and drinks available on principle. Brilliant.


Scullerina said...

Amen sister! As much as I enjoy a free treat while shopping I nearly scream out loud when the clueless minglers are camped out and in my way. As if the king sized shopping cart isn't hard enough to maneuver.

Andy said...

Oh! You know our Grandma R. So you may understand how much she would have loved to be around for Costco. Later in her life, as she got less and less able to cook and get around on her own... her ultimate highlight of the week was Saturday at Albertson's. Those of us who were driving her, still remember. Because, it was sample day! She's load up and not have to cook "supper". Just TRY and get her to go on a Thursday afternoon. No way. I do miss her. And those trips to the store.

Anonymous said...

Right on girl!